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Pierre Vriens is one of the founding members of AbitMORE bvba, acting as the CEO since then also. He graduated (twice ...) at the K.U. Leuven, a famous Belgian university: first in 1984 (Mathematics) and later on in 1986 (computer sciences).

For more info about Pierre Vriens, checkout any of these additional resources:


Company history

Company historyAbitMORE bvba is a privately held ICT-company, fairly young and fast growing. It was founded on Januari 30, 2000 as a joint venture between 3 companies:


Mission statement

Offer customers an integrated package of solutions and services
to fully integrate ICT and internet in their business processes
and to facilitate adopting them to changing business requirements
so that their business objectives will be realized more efficiently.


Core Competencies

Web serverA Core Competency is a unique ability that a company acquires from its founders or develops and that cannot be easily imitated. Core competencies are what give a company one or more competitive advantages, in creating and delivering value to its customers in its chosen field.

At AbitMORE bvba, our core competencies are:


About Us

RadarThe services and solutions that we offer can be narrowed down in 3 major areas:

  • marketing and sales of selected SCM services and solutions, used by various corporate clients throughout Europe, North America and South America (Asia is still on our wishlist ... we're working on it ...).
  • various internet solutions and services typically used by SMB clients, such as webhosting and eMailhosting, but also more advanced facilities such as virtual private networks (VPN), security certificates, etc.
  • various flavors of ICT services and solutions to various SMB clients all over Belgium.


About this website

InfoInformation about this website, such as:

  • An explanation about the various search facilities available within this web site.
  • Background info about the design and hosting of this website.
  • The web content management system (WCMS) that powers this website.
  • Etc.
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