Web Change Management

Web Change ManagementMore recently, AbitMORE also started R&D activities in the area of Web Content Management (WCM), which is like a natural extension of our decades of SCM experience and know-how.

More specifically, to address growing needs such as:

  • Manage the publication of new or updated website content, like who is authorized to publish what, how do you manage access rights to published content, etc. The issues in this area are fairly similar to SCM, just change "software components" to "documents" ...
  • Manage the software components of a Web Content Management System (= WCMS) such as Drupal, like keeping up with fixes, upgrading to a major new release, retrofitting WCMS customizations, etc. The issues in this area are fairly similar to maintaining a SCM software package, just change the names of the softwares ...

Referring to these issues, when we talk about WCM we mean Web Change Management. Maybe we should consider using WCM for WCM (aka WCM² ...)?



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