Powered by Drupal

The development and operation of this website is possible thanks to Drupal, the 'Web Content Management System' (=WCMS) acting as the engine behind this website.

Drupal is a system to manage and use websites, and is considered around the world as one of (if not 'the') market leaders in this area. The first version of it was developed about 10 years ago (early 2000), by a Belgian student. The current version of it is developed and supported by a huge group of  (tens of) thousands developers, spread around the world (the 'Drupal Community').

A few samples of other (impressive) websites that are also powered by Drupal are:

Some say that 2% of ALL (!!!) existing websites are powered by Drupal (there seem to be about websites in total, so that's about 40.000.000). For (much) more details about Drupal, visit the officiale Drupal site.

For those interested in building a Drupal based website, or anybody interested in converting an existing (outdated) website to this modern internet technology): contact In Petto.



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